Al Shalloway - PMI
Mark Lines - Project Management Institute

Join Scott Ambler, Al Shalloway, and Mark Lines to share your experiences with applying agile frameworks in practice and discover how we can move beyond framework adoption to become a true learning organization.
This interactive panel will explore critical questions that we need to ask about the viability of agile frameworks in practice:
• Does your framework help all aspects of your business, or just IT?
• How well does the framework(s) fit your context? Is it right for you?
• How much effort has it been to tailor the framework for your needs? What have you had to do?
• Does the framework enable you to focus on what is of value to your customers?
• Are you getting the benefits that you hoped for?
• Does management and front-line staff have the same understanding about how well things are working out?
• Learn about other’s experiences, good and bad, adopting agile frameworks
• Discover why agile frameworks are a good start, but not the end goal, of an agile transformation
• Learn about how you can improve your way of working (WoW) and move beyond agile frameworks